Friday, May 22, 2020

The European Nations And The Colonization Of The New World

The European Nations short after the discovery of the New World sought out to colonize it for befits of there own nations. The three European Nations most involved in the colonization of the New World was Spain, France and England but each for there own unique reasons. The Spanish, the French and the English desire for wealth, religious expansion, and political advantages motivated them to attempt to colonize the New World. Although they were all able to set foot on the New World some where able to colonize enabling them to befit there own Nation from it. The most successful in using the New World to the greatest advantage of its Nation was Spain. However, primary motivation of the Spanish to colonize the New World was wealth and to bring Christianity to the non-believers of the New World. The Spanish unlike other European nations was the most successful in colonizing the New World. Their success was a result of the Army of Seasoned solders and efficient techniques. The Army of seasoned Solders, conquistadors, was eager to profit wealth from the New World since the last of the Muslims had been abolished from Spain. The Spanish used efficient techniques previously used to control newly concord lands applying those techniques to the New World gave them great success. As a result by 1521 the Spanish had successfully invaded the Aztec Empire in Mexico. Their success was brought on by using advanced technologies such as guns and horse that the Aztec did not have. The SpanishShow MoreRelatedImperialism Dbq Ap European History846 Words   |  4 PagesBetween the period from 1880 to 1914, European powers went after overseas empires in Africa. The governments and political leaders of the European powers believed that this colonization of the African empires was necessary to maintain their global influence. A second group of people supposed that African colonization was the result of the greedy Capitalists who \only cared for new resources and markets. 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